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Projects & Interests

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Projects: Work

Super-Eddington accretion at vicinity of BHs.

We simulate long term evolution of gas at a large simulation box to investigate the evolution history of a seed BH. A simple EoS with gamma=4/3 is applied to mimic the radiation pressure dominated state. Despite large inflow rates, the net accretion rate onto BH is limited due to strong outflows. This figure shows the mass flow at the inner region.

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Formation and structure of cold gas at galaxy cluster centers.

One formation scenario regarding the formation of cold gas at galaxy cluster centres is proposed in Qiu et al(2020). Subsequently, we try to study the detailed dynamical and morphology evolution of a gas clump forming via this scenario. We now focus on the supersonic turbulent structure evolution of the gas clump. This figure shows the dynamical evolution of the clump for simulation and analytical model.

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